
26. June 2023

We have finally done it! After many, many years of neglecting our website, we've picked ourselves up and put some order into it. will remain the central point of contact if you want to know something about us - but we will concentrate there on our activities in the field of arthouse and video art production. In the future we will inform about our commercial and corporate work at - and more about our new foster child can be found on the landing page for our production services: The pages are linked to each other. We hope…

22. June 2023

Thanks to the wonderful crew and terrific cast of the first "Shipwrecked Tripytch" episode: Mutiny. Shot in Hesse on 16mm film. We are looking forward to show the film to the public soon! Also thanks to Hessenfilm (@hessenfilmundmedien ) and @mondriaanfonds for funding our film. A snow-covered nursing home in a rural town in southern Germany on December 31, 1982. Few residents have stayed over the holidays. The all-male staff decides to put the residents to bed early without telling them it's New Year's Eve. Cast: Akeem van Flodrop (@justakeem_ ) Beate Marlies Stupacher (@beatemarlies ) Clemens Paul Bauer (@liqueurtheater)…

16. June 2023

Many thanks to Hessenfilm und Medien (@hessenfilmundmedien) for funding the final episode of the Shipwreck Triptych called 'Drifting'. We will be shooting this fall in the medieval forests of the state of Hesse on 16mm black and white film, in accordance with our standards. Director: Deniz Eroglu (@deniz__eroglu) Executive Producer: Patrick Alan Banfield (@patrickalanbanfield) Cinematographer: Nicolas C. Geissler (@ncgeissler) Production Designer: Linda Gasser (@luliproductions) Colorist: Enikő Edelsbrunner (@magiclemur) Sound Designer: Thomas Huus (@sound_by_klang

13. June 2023

Thanks to the wonderful crew and terrific cast of the first "Shipwrecked Tripytch" episode: Mutiny. Shot in Hesse on 16mm film. We are looking forward to show the film to the public soon! Also thanks to Hessenfilm (@hessenfilmundmedien ) and @mondriaanfonds for funding our film. A snow-covered nursing home in a rural town in southern Germany on December 31, 1982. Few residents have stayed over the holidays. The all-male staff decides to put the residents to bed early without telling them it's New Year's Eve. Cast: Akeem van Flodrop (@justakeem_ ) Beate Marlies Stupacher (@beatemarlies ) Clemens Paul Bauer (@liqueurtheater)…

6. October 2021

And finally, the actual highlights of the shoot.

4. October 2021

Some more bts from ‚The shipwrecked triptych‘.

3. October 2021

One year ago we shot the first of three episodes for ‚The shipwrecked triptych‘. Pre-production for the second and third part are in progress right now.

29. September 2021

Location scouting with @deniz__eroglu .

9. February 2021

#repost @hornbach_de ・・・ Nach dem Projekt ist vor dem Projekt. Von daher: Schutzbrille auf und los. 💪⚒ #HORNBACH #EsGibtImmerWasZuTun #YippieJaJaYippieYippieYeah

20. April 2020

Red Epic-W 8K Photo by Robert Hamacher (@roberthamacher)

20. April 2020

@ncgeissler and @magnusmaurath Photo by Robert Hamacher (@roberthamacher)

28. February 2020

#repost @ncgeissler ・・・ New lens. . . . . . #laowa24mmprobe #laowa #red #reddigitalcinema #macro #oconnor #helium #r3d #filmmaker #filmmakers #cinematography #arri #gearporn #8k #cinematographers #cinematographer #filmmaking #bts #behindthescenes @venuslaowa

25. November 2019


20. November 2019

chill casting

7. November 2019


25. September 2019


13. September 2019


12. September 2019

Shooting video art in Portugal for Ani Schulze (@ani_schulze). ‚Flint House Lizard’. What a great project. There‘s a trailer here: